Wednesday, September 16, 2009

America's Got Talent REVIEW

This season, I thought we had 2 incredible, deserving talents.
One a man down on his luck with a sweet, Southern old-fashioned country smile and gentlemanly quality. His voice if you close your eyes sounds like Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson. His vocals are not polished or the best but his soul brings forth a music that is pure and felt deep in the heart of all who hear him.
One a woman battled back after cancer with an Opera voice that can only have come from G~d. A woman who sees miracles daily in her life and realizes the magnitude of them.
Both had a small hope that life would smile down on them. That life would give them a miracle and a blessing.
Kevin Skinner was declared the winner. Barbara Padilla wasn't declared the winner. This year though I think, they were both winners. Two finalists from opposite ends of the music spectrum. I somehow sort of wished for a tie. This year I believe the biggest winners were we, the viewers. Mr. Skinner renewed a hope that seems to get lost sometimes in this world. That your status in this life does not determine the status of your character or talent. That a humble, good man sometimes does finish on top. Ms. Padilla renews daily a hope that every day is a miracle. That if you realize what a miracle is; chances are you will continue to make them happen, if you believe.
I also have to add. Susan Boyle made her American stage debut. Once again, this woman brought me to tears. 'Wild Horses' was sang so beautifully that I could only sit in total silence and marvel again at this songbird.
This year, America and the show got it right. Two finalists who were uplifting and inspirational. They followed a songbird who proves beauty comes truly from within. Thank you so much Susan Boyle, Kevin Skinner and Barbara Padilla. "Your life did not kill the dream".

#zanybiz #bb11 Jordan Wins !!

I grew up in the south sheltered somewhat like she did. I love that everyone underestimated her and she used her ASSETS and Charm till the time was right. Not stupid just young and naive with a GOOD heart who didn't crap on anyone to win. Even when she went off on Russell (well deserved) she said she was wrong.

#zanybiz #bb11 Nat (Roid Queen)

I liked that she thought she had the jury till the vote. All the way thru she thought as she said repeatedly to Kev "I got this". Karma is a bitch and it came back and bit the RIGHT bitch in the ass big time on Nationwide tv. I enjoyed it.

#zanybiz #bb11 Jordan

Naive good hearted young woman who deserved the win b/c she showed MORALITY and CHARACTER.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Sneezure ~ A fit of several sneezes in a row  (via @FizzyDuck)


Politricks - New word for "political dirty tricks"  (via @FizzyDuck)

Monday, September 14, 2009

#nyy Yankees Win

NYY 5 LAA 3 Great game. Really good outfield playing by our guys. 5 Yummy Yank cheers.

#funny Hilarious

RT - This is a good one.

@Danny_Devito Hilarious

@Danny_Devito on Bonnie Hunt show was Hilarious. Chk out his FX show 'Always Sunny in Philadelphia' Thursday.  Expect Pee & Depends. He talked about his Crocs, his foot size, his kids, his show and Limoncello. Great sense of humor. BTW - didn't know Bonnie Hunt had a show. Like it a lot. Another Fav to watch.


12-year-old Yemeni girl, forced into marriage, died during childbirth - Some things are just wrong.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tweet forwarded by @zanybiz

After 50 years, Presley hangout Pop Tunes closes its doors (via @actionnews5)

#Survivor Tweet forwarded by @zanybiz

#survivor #bb11 New lab rats arrive on Thurs| Get ur seat ready | Warn all humans | Grab the remote & let the mind games begin on Survivor

#news Susan Boyles's Newest Hit

Susan Boyles' newest hit. I still cry when I hear her.

#funny Dependable

"Incontinence Hotline...Can you hold, please?"

#funny Scared of Stats

Statistically, 13 out of 13 Triskaidekaphobics will be scared of this joke.


Materialism: Buying things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people who don't matter.


It's hard to be fit as a fiddle when you're shaped like a cello.

#funny Housework

Housework is something you do that nobody notices until you don't do it.

Opinions and Views

I read a lot with my work and in my personal life. While I may not agree with all that is said and written, I believe knowledge comes from all sides and views. I post links and interest not because I may agree with them but because reading is knowledge. On this page you will find many connections to liberals, conservatives, and the unsure. News, the world around us, the people we study and interact with; all serves to broad our spirits and minds. For this reason, I provide links to many sites and views. I pray for your enlightenment from all sides.

Blogs I've Read and Recommend